This review comes to you on a snowy mid-April morn. Yes-- that's right... SNOW IN APRIL. I can't ride my bike to work in April... WTF? So unless I feel like walking in the snow, that leaves the Queen car.
Always packed up and backed up with such fabulous treats as several glue huffing addicts or someone who feels the need to carp on, loud as can be, about dramatic personal details... it's a wonder that more people just don't get off at the CAMH building. Joyfully (hopefully you get the sopping sarcasm here), my stop is smack dab between the two facilities.
Once, I waited 40 minutes for a streetcar after missing 4 that went by so close together that they appeared to be one long urban centipede. Then nothing-- for 40 minutes. My dilemma is also that it takes me 25 minutes to walk (but that's 25 minutes that I can spend on Yelp before work), 4 to ride my bike and depending when the streetcar arrives--1 hr! And for that wait I have to pay $3.00 for a ride that takes 8 minutes. I should just leave earlier and walk, but when the weather is bad, like, uncommonly snowy morning in April, I wanna catch that crowded, hot car crammed with coughing, drooling and extensive waiting.
First world problems? Perhaps. But for $3.00 one way, I'm allowed to complain.