Go elsewhere. Boy, I guess Leslie's saw us coming. We are pool novices. We recently bought a foreclosure house which had an existing swimming pool. Within a week of moving in, I made the mistake of walking into a Leslie's. $1000 later I had all of the stuff I supposedly needed for my swimming pool and an appointment for pool school to boot.
Fast forward 6 months. Week after week I go into these stores and have one problem after another. My pool is never right. It is never swimmable and they keep selling me more and more and more chemicals. My pool is like a drug addict at this point needing a new fix every week to the tune of about $300 every time I walk into their store. I finally decided for the money I was spending I could just hire someone. Sure enough, for $140 the professional fixed everything and for $70 they include the chemicals and do the work. All Leslie's wants to do is sell you stuff and they will sell you all kinds of extra stuff to keep you coming in. I should have just hired someone to begin with but Leslie's kept telling me the next thing would be my magic fix. There is nothing they have to sell there but heartache, and worse yet, they offer no guarantee on anything, they SAY in the big letters 14 day guarantee, but then the fine print excludes chemicals. Yeah, that pool noodle really failed to perform, give me my 2.99 back. And they act like they are doing you a favor at that. These sharks have gotten their last dollar out of me. They are not there to help you, they are there to line their pockets with you. I guess if you need something and you know what you need and you can get in and out without buying anything extra they might be ok, but don't trust their advice. I spent over 7 months with an unswimmable pool and have thrown several thousand dollars worth of chemicals into it, all from Leslie's. I could have paid a service for a few years and my pool would have been perfect. Live and learn and stay away from this place.