If* I had a spiritual life coach... he, in a sauna, would tell me: be sure she has a nose for wherever you roam. Thankfully, she does -- especially for Toronto. For once, I let go of all choices for the week and let her sense of the city lead the way, and I was thankful for all the stops along the way -- especially here. I thank the giant snout out front for making me feel okay about my own over sized triangle.
More places like this should exist. It's unpretentious. It's lively. It's affordable. And it's enough off-kilter to throw everyone off: it's a loud music, bar vibe italian comfort new menu restaurant in a former bank.
The menu has all the comfort trimmings you need, and then there's the pulled pork wrapped in rib eye. Excuse me? That's just a damn strange thing to do. They came out like little bullets of as much meat as you can fit in the size of a fingerling. While they're bold flavored, and this is going to come off as a wooly mammoth of a statement... they're more of an appetizer than a meal. Thus, speaking of meals... Osso Bucco. There's no reason to order anything else. It's the perfect dish for this place.
I'd be brought here by a date, which I was, I'd be brought here by family, a group of friends or for a work meeting or meal. While trends move on, The Nose remains.
*If you have any suggestions on a SLC (is that what they go by?), I'd be down to go for a consultation visit.