Simple, comfort food done well. We were hankering for some English fish-n-chips, and finding there weren't any close by, tried here. What we found, was that these are more a Southern style, but delicious none-the-less. And when you try the fried chicken & waffles, you can understand this place is doing a lot right.
Somewhat casual dining, but with a pretty decent vibe. The people working were all very upbeat and approacheable. Service was attentive and non-intrusive. We visited on a weekday early, so parking wasn't a problem. And even though they had televisions overhead, they weren't terribly distracting. I would definitely call this family friendly. And that fried chicken and waffles will make a great kids' order.
The menu is full of comfort food. And sometimes, this is just what the doctor ordered. They do a few things very well. That fired chicken & waffles had a very nice, light and crispy skin (same for the fish-n-chips). The portions are definitely for fat Americans- generous to the point of take-home left-overs. I can see this place looming large when the craving for comfort food takes grip.
Just so you don't think this was a paid advertising, I do have to let you know of a big Fail on their menu. Served with the fried chicken & waffles, they'll mix up a small cup of Loisiana hot sauce and maple syrup. This is actually a horrendous idea. One pinky's each was enough to place it on the opposite side of the table for us. But, since this in an 'extra', and not even on the menu, I'll forgive them for that.
I can't see how elderly people and families (or anyone, really) can miss here. Did I mention they make a mean fried chicken & waffles?