This airline is definitely no-frills, as other reviewers have stated. No TV, attendants didn't smile, nickel-and-dime everything -- wot, no peanuts or pretzels or crackers? Not even one lil' bag? Are you kidding me? You have to buy their snack bag to get those. That used to be one of flying's great joys. A tiny bag of salty goodness. Not on this airline!
We've flown them before, but don't recall them EVER being this tight-assed. We've learned not to check luggage if we can at all help it because they charge $15 per bag. That's insane, but we know that's how they are, so we made do with carry-ons. Of course, that means the overhead bins fill up really fast and makes the cranky attendants even crankier. Whaddaya expect, lady, ordinarily most of this stuff would be checked! The employees seemed rather unhappy all-around.
However, the flights themselves were basically decent. On time. It's worth it to us to put up with the lack of luxury when it's a really short flight and my Amex points are covering most of it. But for a longer flight, or if we have to come out of pocket more money, we'd look for a more comfortable airline.