I'm not one of those girls that frequents nail shops. Like a guy who wouldn't dare pay another guy to put together a grill he just purchased, I feel awkward paying for something I could do myself. I decided to get a French pedicure. I got a pedicure in 2012, but it we just a regular one. I was immediately relieved to see them opening up sterile bags of tools bc I've been places where they've literally sat in blue sanitizer! Yuck!
As I sat in the chair 3 staff members asked me if I wanted my nails done. After the 3rd time I began to wonder, "Do they look THAT bad?"
It made me realize they probably weren't used to "virgin nails". Lol.....nails that have never been touched by acrylic, gel, or anything else beyond an emory board and a clear coat of polish.
The experience was ok--for me. I would agree that staff is very friendly and they do a great job, but I most likely won't return. To me, being pampered is sitting at a fine dining restaurant, eating good food and being waited on. As far as manicures and pedicures I like to keep it simple and DIY. I own a 5 star massage chair, a $20 foot spa, and a $5 French manicure kit from Wal-Mart. Although I would recommend this place to those who rather enjoy this type of relaxation, I myself would prefer to save $30, stay home, and do my own mani & pedicures. Not so much to save money, but just because I feel I can do just as good a job.