If you are visiting Cleveland, do not miss Lakeview Cemetery, Wade Chapel, and the Garfield Memorial. First, the cemetery itself is planned as a garden, with many species of trees. The carvings and statuary on the monuments are exquisitely beautiful--the Italian stone carvers who found work at the cemetery settled in nearby Little Italy. Even aside from the many famous people buried here, the place itself is a lovely, contemplative island of tranquility.
Do go when Wade Chapel is open. An exquisite gem designed by William Comfort Tiffany, it is a jewel box with a magnificent window, amazing glass mosaics, and alabaster lights. A knowledgeable docent will explain all the symbolism of the interior, and even a non-
believer will find it inspiring. It is indescribably lovely.
The rotunda of the Garfield Memorial is also worth the trip, and the view of Cleveland and Lake Erie from the terrace (64 steps!) is magnificent.
The Euclid gate to the cemetery is only a minute from University Circle.