Pricing could be so much better...
I wish the Statement " Our bulbs are changed at half the recommended hourly life as the bulb manufacturer recommends " were true.
I been using TNT thru out the years.
Recently I bought more sessions at the Mentor store. Kinda pricey but we were going to Maui for our wedding and I wanted to get a good base tan.
The nice thing is they hold your sessions that you purchased forever. I say that because I had forgotten I had purchased quite a few level fives about 11 years ago. I also discovered I still had about nine level threes left, to my surprise.
Anyhow I was thrilled to find out I had all that tanning left but I still purchased some more because they had a decent deal going on.
To my dismay my first experience wasn't the best, I asked for the best level 3 bed they had and as the lights turned on I could tell there was black at ends at the bulbs and two the bulbs were not working and both shoulder tanners were not working. Hence these bulbs were not nearly as new as they claimed ( I also tried the mist feature, I thought, that's neat, until I smelled the water. It blew a mist of a scent reminiscent of flowers and stagnant water)
I inquired with the staff at the desk in her statement was I don't know, you could ask corporate.
Mind you this is that the Mentor location next to Big lots, the one on Euclid Avenue, they seem to have better quality control on bulb freshness.
Sadly I live closer to the Mentor location then the Euclid ave. But it's worth the trip. Trust me when I say I have no affiliation with any location. I just have to give kudos where kudos is due.
When paying a premium price for any product regardless it's tanning or Great dinning experience,
I have to point out the places that don't do it they say and say what they do and give props the ones that do what they say.
My recommendation is corporate TNT tanning needs to do some more hands-on inspection of bed quality in at all locations in the sense of hours on the bulbs to ensure that everybody's getting what they paid for otherwise it's a blackeye for other locations that do the right thing and change the bulbs when they say they do and ensure the beds are all in specified working condition.
I mean really, who doesn't want to get what they paid for?
Premium pricing deserves premium service...period!