I've been traveling to Chicago off and on for the last couple of years for work and while there I always try to hit Portillo's. So imagine my surprise while I was in Phoenix this past weekend to discover a brand new Portillo's right there in Scottsdale.
It's pretty much the same experience I have when in Chicago. The staff was friendly and efficient which on my visit was definitely nice since the place was so busy. Seriously, I realize it's new but I was surprised at the draw this place had. In any case, the staff made the crowd much less of an ordeal than it could have been due to their organization. So kudos to the management for good planning.
As to the food...well I of course had a hot dog and ordered it through the garden which is basically what we'd call a Chicago dog outside of Chicago. Hot dog and veggies! It's healthier that way right? My friend and I also split an Italian beef sandwich which we ordered hot and dipped. If you've never had this culinary delight, it's like a roast beef sandwich with some hot peppers and then the whole thing is soaked in the juice from the meat. You may have to use a fork to eat it but your taste buds won't care! It was all very tasty.
My friend who lives in Phoenix was sold and planned to go back again. If i lived there, I'm certain I would be darkening Portillo's doors often too. It's good food. Really. Go and enjoy!