There are certain things you remember from your childhood. One is my mother driving me to Lemon Grove Junior High every day to school because we lived too far for the bus. On springs afternoons, we wold stop at the Thrifty Drug Store and pick up ice cream cones. The cylindrical-shaped scoops were neat, and the flavors were something to make everyone smile. My mother's favorites were cherry vanilla, and pistachio. I learned to love those flavors. Of course, the scoops were only 5 cents a single, 10 cents a double, and a quarter for a triple; we're talking 1974-1976 here.
Now, there's the same ice cream up with which I grew (I hate ending clauses with prepositions, don't you?) just two blocks from my house, and it's just as delicious and brings back great memories. Thrifty Drug Stores may relegated to history, but the ice cream is part of the past, present, and (I hope) future.