Is there anyone in customer service at Sweet Tomatoes/Soup Plantation? A couple of months ago there was a gift card promotion, so I got 1 for my parents' anniversary and 1 for me to use. My parents used their gift card on their anniversary and should have gotten the Senior discount of $7.49 each when they go before 4 pm; they went around 1ish. They were charged the regular adult price. On top of that the cashier did not give them back their card. A few weeks later when I meet my Mom for lunch and we talked about their gift card, she said they used it all during the ONE visit for both of them. I went online to check the balance, then called the customer service #. All they can do was take down my information and someone will contact me. That was 3 weeks ago.
My parents live around the corner from this location and we all come here often, but after I use up my gift card WE won't be coming back. I will find another place for us go. Talk about ripping off people - how does it feel to rip off the old folks Sweet Tomatoes?