Forgive the long post, but anyone thinking about getting a voucher should be aware of this before they go in to use it.
Came in with an expired voucher worth $25, which means you basically now have a gift voucher for $25 worth of full priced product, instead of the $46 promo.
The guy gave me 2 options: truffle brie wheel that was $29, and I could pay the extra $, or 2 packs of Wensleydale (they didn't even have the 3rd option that was supposed to be available). So I thought about it, and decided I'd like the Wensleydale better. I gave him the voucher and he gave me the cheese (no receipt) and I also decide to buy an additional cheese on top of it, which i did get a receipt for.
It wasn't until later that I remembered I had asked how much the Wensleydale cheese was and did the math myself. It was only $8.99 each so $18 total plus tax. But wait I had $25! I should have been told to buy 3 packs and pay the $3 but tax extra for it (just like he had said with the brie) but NO, he chose to basically pocket the rest of the money.
I went back in to ask about the missing credit, and said 'couldn't you have applied the credit to the other cheese i bought since I am paying full price and there isn't a deal price anymore"
He made the excuse that it could only be used for the 3 specified. But that still doesn't explain why he made me believe I was getting a full $25 worth of product when he was really short changing me.
I ended up just walking away when he started arguing with me. I should of insisted on buying the 3rd one with the left over credit he still owed me, but by this point, I just wanted out of the situation.