I was so excited when I saw this place opening. We moved here from California so this was yet another thing we left behind. Fortunately all our favorites are slowly following us here. Eventually California will fall into the ocean and we'll have beach front property and we'll be set. I digress.
This BevMo particularly is really well stocked and large. Larger than a lot of California ones and the people here are all really helpful. If they don't have something in stock, they can order it for you and get it in pretty quick. They used to have a great bar in it with wine and beer tastings but it's gone now. Some problem with licensing - I'm assuming liquor license. I can empathize with the bureaucracy. I just filed our quarterly taxes and its driven me to drink - hence BevMo.
Even if you have nothing in particular to buy, take a walk through. It's like Disneyland for adults. Unless you're a Mormon. Then it may not be for you. But if you're not, it's great. (Special bonus - HUGE selection of tiny liquor bottles to stash for lame dry wedding or to keep on hand for general times that require tiny bottles of booze.)