Top sushi is a weird kind of place. It seems to be somewhat confused as to where it falls in the classy scale.
It's not dirt-cheap, but it's not really all that nice either.
They're not all that busy either, but they seem to have some strict rules about seating. If you go at a non-busy time as a couple, they will seat you at a tiny table with two seats (which, let's face it, are really for individual diners), even if the rest of the larger tables go unoccupied. I don't understand why they would trade customer satisfaction for the remote chance that you'll be swamped. In fact, they had one of the staff sitting in a booth for 6 people alone with a laptop. I know, I know. Two diners, table for two, what's the big deal? Well, why not a table for 4? Especially since their meals usually come with a salad, a soup, little plates, soy sauce dishes, etc, etc.
Their portions are pretty huge, and I haven't gotten sick from eating here yet.
Verdict: good enough