Camp Bow Wow took care of our pup while we were away. I held off on this review so that I could inspect my puppy properly, to make sure he didn't have any cuts or was acting funny.
He stayed with them for 3 nights. I loved that I could watch him on their app. (Although it is a bit laggy on the phone, it doesn't lag at all on the computer). He looked like he was enjoying himself and I always saw a camp counselor with the dogs. There was a time were I thought there were way too many dogs in their area (over 30). Although it looked overcrowded, all the dogs looked friendly.. so I guess it was ok. I kind of wished they sent in another counselor and moved some of the dogs to a different play area (I saw one of the other areas empty - not including the little dog indoor one)
When I picked him up, he smelled a little bit, but not as bad as I thought he would. I was told he didn't eat any of his breakfast so we had a some left over food. I would have like an exit report card or something telling me how his stay was and any incidents like not eating his breakfast. I asked if they could take him out to potty before they put him away every night. I don't know if they did that, but a checklist of some sort on the report card saying that they did would have been really nice. Hopefully that's something they could implement in the future, along with cameras in the sleeping area!
All in all, I will be taking my little buddy back.