This spot never really gets added into the Scottsdale rotation for me. I just never really have a GREAT time at this place. It is a little bit too loud, and they didn't design the bar very well for what they need. In fact, they really didn't change anything from the old Bar 74 that used to inhabit this location.
The biggest bone that I have to pick with Dirty Pretty "Rockbar" is that it is the exact same as Suede, PCL, or their other locations. I was extremely excited that Scottsdale was finally heading in the right direction, we were going to have something that was new...something that was different. A bar that was cool and trendy, but that wasn't playing the top 40 hip/hop and pop chart, but was willing to put themselves on the line and play some rock. I was hoping that I would walk into this locations and hear ROCK music. But that never happened. I got the same mix that I would find at Axis and Myst on a weekend night. People were looking for something new. Something that truly would differentiate this bar from all of the other spots on the old town circuit. But Dirty Pretty failed with their promises. Scottsdale had the opportunity to mix it up like the great bar scenes that you find in Austin, TX or San Diego, CA, but they continue to underestimate the power of variety.