What introduced me to Red Seven wasn't necessarily the best of situations. My not-so-old computer decided to ditch me only 2 years into our relationship...but this wasn't just a tiff or heated disagreement....we broke up....it's over...and he took all of my stuff with him.
Ok lame analogies aside, I needed some serious data recovery and called around getting estimates-which was a rude awakening. One place offered to get my files out of the useless box for $300, another estimated up to $1200 depending on size....gulp.
Luckily, I happened upon Red Seven. The staff were very personable, straightforward, honest, and helpful in guiding me through the process (while also advising me on new computer ventures).
The whole process (diagnosing was free) cost $100. Plus they were efficient; calling me within 24 hours initially with a diagnosis and then when the data recovery was complete.
Rock on Red Seven, thanks for the painless recovery from a sucky situation.