Very expansive selection of healthy, organic, gluten free, and other boutique brands. I partook in the bulk dried beans and honey bar. The honey was complex and delicate. LOVED it. The beans were small, white and dry. I don't know what else to say about beans.
This store was hoppin for a Sunday and it would have been an excellent place for me to resurrect my "oops hot guy I accidentally walked off with your cart now you have to tap me on the shoulder and realize how pretty I am and sheepishly inform me I've mistakenly walked off with your cart" scheme. But, it was crazy hot that day and my hair was frizzy. I can't get flirty with frizzy hair. Hair frizz is mojo killer, unless you're going for some crazy early 80's vintage look, and quite frankly I don't have the angles, facially or bodily, for that.
Anywho, this was an all around pleasant shopping experience. I'm excited for a new NEO location to open in Rocky River this fall. Score! I'll have to get dressed up and try my "oops, I stole your cart" routine there.