With all due respect to Jason's post, grass-fed beef is wonderful! It's tasty and it's healthy. But if you prefer the amonia washed beef that comes from the major meat packing plants now, then feel free to encourage that industry. i now buy only grass-fed, antibiotic and hormone free beef. I almost never buy pork anyway and I'm looking for a good source of healthy chicken. Tyson and Purdue may have a corner on that market, but how they raise those animals is tragic...and the additives needed are shocking. The snow job the meat industry has done on the American public is a travesty!
For those of you looking for good grass-fed beef, check out a local farmers' markets. I've not tried what Fry's offers since I seldom shop at Fry's anymore and it's rare if I buy anything more than organic milk, cheese, veggies, or sale staple items.
Where we can agree is price. The grass-fed is expensive, but it is the only way to get away from this need to wash beef, chicken and pork in amonia to try and stave off the e-coli...and I'm sure e-coli will develop resistance to that eventually too...somehow.