If I were held at gunpoint tomorrow and forced to choose only one thing I miss about my hometown, I would definitely live to tell the tale. That's Rentertainment is the obvious answer.
Where else can you bump into your high school math teacher while combing the LGBT section for My Beautiful Laundrette? Where else can you methodically work your way through practically every detective show ever shown on Mystery during the 90s? Where else could you simultaneously rent 500 Days of Summer, the third disc of the fourth series of MI5, and that obscure Korean movie your friend's been pestering you to watch?
The very first time I went to That's Rentertainment was the same day I watched Colin Firth in Pride & Prejudice for the first time. My mom and I rented the whole 6-VHS (I know!) set, and when it came time to pop in the third installment, we realized that we had a second copy of volume two instead. The shock! The horror! We ran to the car and hightailed it over to That's Rentertainment. Not only did they have the third tape ready and waiting for us, they commiserated with us over our terrible case of Darcy-interruptus. We went home, and binged on the rest of the show until around 1 AM.
Although the VHS tapes are (mercifully) gone, That's Rentertainment continues to be the best place in town (and, I can say with certainty, anywhere) to get your home entertainment fix. I love it so much there that I even make a habit of getting 25 cent gumballs from the dispenser by the door and enjoying their stale je ne sais quoi all the way home, with a grin plastered on my face, despite my aching jaw, and two or three DVDs warming the passenger seat.