I went into Buddy Stubbs a couple weeks ago, I am trying to get a bike because I have always had a love for bikes. I grew up dreaming of having the money to buy my own brand new Harley. So I go in and I asked the salesman about a trade just to see what they will give me. The guy takes pictures of the truck and compliments me on having a really nice truck, clean and low mileage. So he tells me it will take a few days to get a bid on the bike and I agree. So two days later I get a call saying he found a bidder. Long story short he tells me that the best price came out and this was the best they can offer me is like $8,000 under blue book. So I laugh and tell the guy "naw never mind I will wait that is extremely low and I will hold out so he doesn't need to contact me again." So like the salesman he is, he calls me an hour later and asks what my bottom dollar is. I come back with about $6,000 under blue book and he laughs at me and says "Yeah good luck on that." So I tell him I know what my truck is worth and they aren't going to make $8,000 and I would be stupid to agree to that. So avoid trying to do a trade in with these guys, it is definitely not worth it because they will nickle and dime you. Plus they don't even have what they say they have in their inventory on their website.