Chez Boris is closing at the end of April !! :,(
It will certainly be missed. This little place exudes Montreal, with its quirky deco, art displays, comfort food, disparate furniture and youthful spirit.
We went there on a weekday morning to get some donuts and coffee before work. It was cold and grey outside, and deserted but warm inside. We got our freshly made donuts, one sugar and one cinnamon (they come free with a hot drink), and a "beignewich" - a Chez Boris invention starring egg, cheese and bacon sandwiched between two plain donuts. The total was about 10,50$. The "soviet" coffee (billed as "commie coffee" was basically vietnamese coffee (coffee with condensed milk). It was fine. The donuts were pretty good. They were fluffy and light, and not oily at all. Smaller than expected, but pretty cheap if bought in bulk. The beignewich (billed as "guacamole sandwich") was also smaller than expected, but pretty delicious (but hey, how bad can you mess up bacon, cheese and egg?).
I wish I had time to try their pierogi and borscht, but work was calling. Another time perhaps, before the end of the month.The girl at the counter told me the employees were collecting money to start a co-op on their own. Hopefully it will bring back some of Chez Boris' vibe, but I have a gut feeling its a chapter that will be gone for good.