I own a house that is under 10 years old. It was built with an undersized AC unit. Of course by the time that it stopped working up to par, it was out if warranty. So over the past two summers I have had three AC companies to my house to fix the problem without knowing what the problem was.
The first two companies are not even worth talking about. Both of those companies recharged my AC and told me that its hot outside!!!! Noooo really! I was fed up with paying recharge fees and not getting it fixed. I looked up Discount AC on line and read a lot of great reviews. I called the Discount for an emergency response due to my wife being pregnant. Earl was at my house within 1 hour (the other two companies was over three hours).
Earl walked in my house and was nothing but professional. He educated me from the proper type of AC filters to use to the importance of leaving doors open in the house. He then went outside to look at the condensing unit (the big square unit outside or on the roof). He had a puzzled look on his face as he looked at my neighbors unit which was larger (save the jokes). After doing some further investigation, Earl suspected that the reason why my AC was not woking well was that it was undersized. Earl, knowing that replacing the unit would be expensive led me to call the builder to see if they would replace it. After they refused, it was fall, my baby was born and I put the issue on the back burner.
This past summer (2015), the inevitable happened and my AC began to not work again. I called Discount and told Earl to do what he had to do. In one day, Earl and two workers replaced my entire unit (outside and the in the attic). They put in a 13 hour day, but by the end my house was cool and clean. Not only did they do this, but they fixed a lot of other issues at no extra cost!!! My AC is working just fine even on the hottest day.
I know other AC companies are capable of fixing the problem I had, but I don't think any of them would have diagnosed it as fast, fixed it as quick, or went the extra mile of fixing other issues like Discount AC. Earl is very honest and extremely professional and one of the most well versed AC guys I have met. Though I paid a lot to get my AC replaced, I will only recommend Discount AC. You get what you pay for. In the long run I would have paid more for another company to fix the problem.