Let me tell you about my experience with this company. About 2 1/2 years ago we installed almost $9000.00 dollars worth of carpeting in our home. You would have thought the carpet was made with part gold in it. We went with this company because they told us that we had a 10 year warranty on the carpet. Just a little over a year and we ended up filing a claim because the carpet looked as if it had been in the house for 10 years, matted down spotted. No questions asked we just submitted pictures and it was done, you would say wow what a company to stand by the products they sell. Well that's not the case. So now it's been another year, so we've had this carpet just a little over 2 1/2 years and I called to file another claim, same this carpets matting and can't get the stains out. So this time I get inspectors out and they say sorry we're not going to replace the carpet this time. That's just normal wear and tear. I see know that you realize this carpet is crap and your going to have to replace every year it's all of a sudden our fault and your not going to do anything about it. I could have bought cheap carpet from Home Depot but chose to pay more for the warranty . My bad. I will never buy anything from a company that will not back its product. Thanks for nothing