I've been coming here now for a few months, and tend to order the same thing every time, the Bizness with chicken, curried quinoa and brussel sprouts. I'm a creature of habit, so when I find something I like, I order it until I get sick of eating it. The chicken tastes so good! Why doesn't my chicken taste like this! And that quinoa. I was ordering the coconut date shake until they changed their dates, it doesn't taste as good to me anymore.
My favorite item on the menu isn't even food, it's their cold brew coffee. It's the best cold brew I've tried, with a little bit of soy milk, it's perfect. No need for sugar at all.
There are so many other healthy menu items I need to try, as well as their desserts.
Bonus, they deliver to my work, for only $3. I'm ecstatic that I can order something healthy when I don't make it to the grocery store!