I haven't used this center for its primary purpose, which is as a birth center. I have been attending classes here to learn pain management techniques for my own upcoming, hopefully drug-free hospital birth. But I still feel comfortable being a "fan" because I support their mission and what they do.
This is a place in-between hospital and home births that follows the midwife model of care. It is staffed by midwives and it supports/features a natural birth model. You can have a water birth, you can roll around on a birthing ball, you can squat and shout and nobody will try to drug you. Of course, if there are complications they will arrange for you to get to a hospital so you aren't being held captive here either.
As I mentioned before, besides births and prenatal care, they host classes for moms-to-be. They host Lamaze, Bradley and Hypnobabies classes for birth, they host FREE breastfeeding classes, a prenatal yoga class and a postpartum support group.
Anyway if you're thinking of having a natural birth, you may want to check out their website at least.