At 80mph and 3500rpm going uphill just south of Mesquite, NV in the 105 degree summertime sun, I had a radiator hose pop off due to a faulty hose clamp. Needless to say, I lost about 75% of my coolant in about 5 seconds. After getting new coolant thanks to B&B Towing from Mesquite (via my USAA insurance - the BEST), and Jerry-rigging the clamp, I called Don's Di to make sure they'd be open when I got in to N Las Vegas.
I limped into Vegas and upon arrival, they jumped on the job and within about 30 minutes, a mechanic replaced the clamp at the whopping charge of $10. They could have charged a lot more and I would've paid since they took me at last minute's notice and I had to be in Los Angeles that night.
Be advised: There isn't much parking available because of all the cars in the lot but the good thing is that's probably an indication they've got constant business which can be a sign of repeat customers and a good rep.
Also, be careful... the front desk manager is a bit of a joker and might tease a little bit but it's harmless. It's probably to break up the boredom of sitting in an office all day - I know the feeling.
Thanks for the save guys!