2215. About quarter-after-ten of the p.m. Running a bit late on my way to work, so stop by the McDingle's closest to the Nest to put a snack in my mouth to accompany the pharmaceuticals that say "take with food." I pull into the drive-thru line, and about fifteen seconds later, I hear a burst of static. About five seconds after that, I hear, "Hello?" Now, I'm thinking, *I did NOT just hear that.* I know they hire youngsters here, and they have to train even the slightest shred of professionalism into them, but this reaches an all-time low.
That mental conversation took about five seconds, after which I heard "Hello, are you ready to order?" Again, no "thank you for choosing McDonalds" or anything like that. I said, "No thank you, not today," and drove off, rolling my window up.
As I said, this is the outlet closest to my home, and I've been in there many times in the year-and-a-half I've been in my home. Never anything to write home about in either direction ... nothing outstandingly good, or outstandingly bad. This, however, is the proverbial last straw. I guess I will start packing a brown-bag every day before I go to sleep to make sure I have that small amount of food that my pills require. It will probably be cheaper and healthier in the long run anyway. As my grandson might say, "Good-bye, McFail."
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On the newly-established Nighthawk 100-point scale: 5. (Yes, that's a single digit, not a typo. Five.)