The parking lot is HORRIBLE, I warned you. If you do find a spot in front of the door there is ALWAYS some random chain smoker toking a cig right there, it never fails!
If you can find a parking space and go will get great customer service. Yes their prices are higher and if you have any clue about shipping whatsoever you will know this already. They have to pay rent people!
We buy 90% of our daily household items from Amazon, we don't shop at Walmart or Target or any of that crap. We order tons of clothes, accessories, and shoes etc. from Zappos and other companies online. What does all this mean?! We have returns sometimes! I walk in they scan it and give me a receipt. Done.
As an EBay seller since 2001 I primarily use USPS but sometimes if it's needing an overnight or rush I will just run here. The guys are always nice and prompt. It's A-OK.