I was in Charlotte on business and it was lunch time so I put in Which Wich into Yelp and it found this one that was quite close to where I was working. The parking situation was difficult, as this is an outdoor type shopping area with many stores and restaurants. After circling the parking lot a few times and dropping off my friends in front of Which Wich, i found a parking spot by a wine store. Note to self, check out wine store if I have time. But anyway I quickly joined my friends who had just ordered and placed my order. We sat at a table and waited for our orders and like magic a woman employee asked us our names and said she would bring our sandwiches to us. I love this. A fairy godmother at Which Wich. But anyway, we got our sandwiches from this wonderful employee and had a delightful lunch. This location is very busy, has lots of seating and is bright and cheerful. Great job for this Which Wich.