Anton Yablowsky and Lorenzo's Dog Training Team are very knowledgeable, however I give them a low score for puppy training. I thought I did my research online and thought the website was great. The site had convinced me that the trainers where very good and well versed in all types of training. I had Anton come over, I told him I liked his spirit. I did tell him he spoke too fast and that my customers would not like the way he was handling his puppy. I am a hobby breeder of Labrador, I am not a certified dog trainer, and thought he was rough in his corrections. He was training a 5 month doberman, his correction made the puppy yelp, soon after his dog puked.
Ok - maybe the dog is high strung? So I thought he knows best. I told him my clients would not approve of the way he handled his dog with their puppies. I went on to explain my customers are looking for a program for 8 to 12 week puppies, he said they do have programs designed to the individual. Ok, so he will have a more gentle and better display of correction for my customers with puppies. So, I sent out an email to the litter parents and one of my customers hired him. Well to my disappointment, the customer called and said after the 2nd visit, his wife was in tears! He said he spoke down to his wife and handled the puppy so rough that his vet told him to put a sock on the puppy's neck due to the chafing from the choker. I saw the puppy today and could not believe how red the puppy's neck was. My client also told me that Anton corrected his dog and soon after the dog puked. Hmm, Anyway - I'm sure they are good for some people and for another type of training, but I will not recommend them for Puppy Training. Sorry Team -
I am a believer that you need to be a good teacher first, teaching the human, then the canine. Set up expectations, and explain what you are doing and why in a tone that your customer understands. Hope that helps!
I will say Lorenzo's corporate office did the right thing and reimbursed my client for the sessions also apologized the experience - I thought they handled this in a professional manner.