What a ridiculous place! I have a scrape on my shin, not a cut, it's a scrape. It's scabbed over but the edges are swollen and it looks like it may be infected, so I came in to have it looked at and get an anabiotic. They didn't take my insurance, and I said that's fine- as a business owner I'm used to paying cash anyway. I asked what the cash amount was and they told me $145, I said fine. But then the receptionist said they'd have to charge me for stitches and the bigger the cut the more they're going to charge. I told her "I don't need stitches it's a scrape, look at it, I need an antibiotic." The receptionist told me "It doesn't matter we still have to charge for stitches". I said "OK, so if I don't need stitches and I don't get stitches are you still going to charge me for stitches?" She said "Yes". I nicely said I will just go somewhere else.
... And you should too, there is no excuse for charging somebody for something they do not need and do not get. Absolutely ridiculous! This conversation took place 10 minutes ago, verbatim! You will, not "may", you WILL be charged for things you do not need and do not get.