This is one of the best places, if not the best place, to get sushi in Cleveland. It's been my consistent experience that the fish is fresh--near perfect--and the craft is solid. It also happens to be a pretty good value for money.
There are a lot of reviews here casting a negative light on Pacific East relative to restaurants in U.S. costal cities (NY, CA, etc.). I've had sushi in Tokyo, Kyoto, NY, SF, Chicago, and many other American cities. I've had both stellar and less than impressive sushi in all these places. (Well, not Kyoto--I must admit that everything I've eaten in Kyoto has been near-perfect.) The fact is that the sushi at Pacific East is good by any standard. As fresh as you get in Tokyo straight that morning from Tsukiji? Of course not. But about as close as you can get given the ship-to location. The people at Pacific East love what they do, and they're good at it.
Anyone who bashes this place with one or two stars is either (a) an ignorant poseur or (b) a lying poseur. People love to jump on the 'you can't get good sushi in Cleveland' bandwagon, in a lame attempt at geographical and/or culinary superiority. To all the reviewers in this category: You have exposed yourselves as fakes. You apparently taste your food with a map instead of your tongue.
And by the way, the smell inside Pacific East (on which some like to comment) is more nori than fish, since many of you obviously have trouble telling the difference.
In short, relax and enjoy the food. It's hard to go wrong at this place.