I've only been here for lunch, but I have to say the food is fantastic! I've tried a few different entrees and was pleased with them all, everything tastes fresh and nothing is overcooked! If I were basing this review only on food I'd rate 5 stars.
However, the server we had the last time we went was a jerk. He was very rude and disrespectful to a member of our party. The customer he was rude to, ordered in Spanish and the server seemed to have a huge problem with that. The server replied in Spanish and called him a few rude names over the course of our meal. All of us spoke a little bit of Spanish and knew very well what he said. If I could remember the servers name I'd be sure to tell you, so you could avoid him.
It's unfortunate the server left such a bad taste in our mouths because we normally really enjoy Cabos. I really think service is a huge part of a restaurant experience which is why this place gets 3 stars. If we ever go back I'll make sure to update my review.