Just got new mattress delivered by Sleep Country, and was informed by delivery people that a) they cannot help me move old frame to street, as they cannot touch anything due to company policy and b) that my home is a "health hazard" due to "all the dust" (I would invite each of you to check under your mattresses, esp if they are resting directly on floor, and see what's there. He said this after I had swept the floor, after they moved the old box spring).
He kissed his teeth at me and informed me of the danger of my home due to "all the dust. look at all this dust!! this is dangerous to our health" when I asked twice "please, help me. I can't move this by myself". So now I have a new mattress and box spring sitting in the doorway between my living/dining room and a part of a bed frame in the doorway from the bedroom, none of which I can move alone. Meaning I am bedless.
I told them to leave after this exchange, saying "Get out of my house. After all, it's a health hazard" to which one responded "Yah, it is!". I took photos and would gladly, if I could, upload them to show what Sleep Country considers a "health hazard". I have posted them to Sleep Country's Facebook page, and on my own wall.
Just spoke to Distribution Managers-they offered to have the same guys come back and move the mattress "if (I) can get the frame out of the way (my)self". Uh, no, I do not want that man back in my house and I don't think that's an unreasonable request. They're gonna call tomorrow re: moving mattress with different movers. Where will I sleep tonight, you ask? Not sure yet... Also awaiting call from Cust. Service re: discount for this ordeal. You stand in my home, in my bedroom, and tell me my house is a health hazard and you shouldn't have to work in conditions like this, leave me bedless with box spring and mattress blocking doorways and call this customer service??!!
The problem is twofold: one, that the original salesperson didn't explain that no one would even TOUCH part of the old bed frame that was sitting on the floor, around the old box spring due to "liabilities"-you know, in case they damaged the old bed frame I was asking them to help move to the curb outside. When a company says "delivery and take away the old box spring", I assumed that meant assisting me with everything that entailed, not having their two male movers stand there, one glaring at me as I ask how on earth I'm supposed to provide a pristine, empty room for them to operate in by myself.
The second part is obviously having a moving team who finds it acceptable to insult a customer and her home while standing in her bedroom.
I would NOT recommend this experience to anyone except someone on whom I wished a thoroughly frustrating and aggravating event.
PS I agree with the other reviewer about the salesMAN talking to "the man" aka my boyfriend, even though it's my home, my bed and my money. Said bf even commented on this after leaving.