Extremely disappointed and very angry dog owner today! I took my dog here recently for his 3rd and Final visit. My first 2 visits were great, but the last one lost my faith for good on their unprofessional and uncaring service.
I have a Frenchie with a very sensitive stomach. In the multiple page application they have you fill out I mention that, as well as advised them that the cause of his stomach ailments is rawhide treats. In fact I put on his application that he is ALLERGIC to rawhides and mentioned not to give it to him because he gets bad diarrhea. So when I took him the last time, my dog apparently threw a "temper tantrum" which usually means he squeals really loud when you crate him. I advised the owner of this and she assured me they get that all the time and they can handle it. Well let me tell you how they "handled" it. Yup, to quiet him up, they gave him a rawhide treat which he swallowed whole. When the handler that day told me that I was extremely upset. And rightfully so because tonight my poor guy is suffering from awful diarrhea. He is not as active and constantly having to go.
What compounded matters more is the gal at the desk was looking over my paperwork to see where I mentioned rawhide and she couldn't find out. I advised her that the paperwork she was reading wasn't mine, and then she laughed it off when she realized her mistake and thought it read wrong because the documents described a cat's history. I was already so angry that they did not read my paperwork, but she was so unskilled to realize the difference between a cat and a dog. I had to point out her error, opposed to her not figuring out that my dog was not abandoned by a cat like the paperwork said. Ugh!!!! When I first visited I was also advised that I shouldn't worry about treats because rawhide is not one of them. Well guess what, it is.
If you take your dog here, make sure they read your documents. Go over everything with them and mention your dogs issues, otherwise you'll end up like me staying up to take care and clean up after your sick puppy.