I do love me a Shutterbooth. Strips of glossy, free photos and props down in front? Hellz to the yeah.
I've hopped into a Shutterbooth a few different times at various Charlotte events - fundraisers, movie premieres, parties, etc. And every single time I hold on to that photo strip for quite a while...
Here's some solid info about Shutterbooth for you photo fiends...
1. You can fit up to 15 people in 1 booth
2. All images are high res (and you can also view them afterwards at shutteryou.com)
3. You can have a customized logo for your event that gets printed at the bottom of every photostrip
4. At weddings or special events, they can create a scrapbook with copies of all the strips that get taken so people can sign as the night goes along!
So, yeah, I love taking random and funny photobooth pics and Shutterbooth is super freakin' fabulous.