Villa Toscana must have deleted their page and made a new one, because their seriously low reviews that dated back til 2009 are gone and they only have 4 reviews, the first of which beginning only a few years ago.
This is a terrible place to live, for all you people renewing your leases be warned: they don't give a crap that you pay on time every month. I lived there for 2 years and when the apartment above mine began leaking and damaging my home and belongings they did nothing but give me the runaround for 6 months.
In the two years I lived there, management changed 4 times. I also had about 20 different neighbors go through the apartments directly near mine (probably due to the fact that they didn't have a grace period and didn't accept money orders or cash, only cashier's checks).
The pool would be trashed to the point where it was closed for several days, even weeks. This happened at least twice a month. When they close the pool, you have no access to the water machine which they don't care about. Also if the laundry card loading machine breaks, be prepared to take your laundry to a laundromat for at least a month before they fix the card loader.
Also they have a ridiculous mosquito problem due to stagnant water constantly during summer (they irrigate and have large areas that don't drain/evaporate so there are disgusting little lakes in the grassy areas by the pool). They refuse to do anything about it and if you complain about the thousands of mosquitoes (a genuine health hazard) they will make a non committal statement about it being the responsibility of the landscapers and nothing ever changes. Good luck getting anyone at MEB Property Management to help either. They rarely return phone calls.
I could seriously go on, but this is already getting long. Hopefully it has really changed over there, but if it hasn't, I hope none of you have anything seriously wrong happen to your unit.