Parking: free, plentiful
Lobby: none
Boardgames: none
Price: $40.68 pp weekdays, $47.46 pp weekends
Food: none
Number of rooms: 3
Rooms that can accommodate large groups (9+): yes
Rooms that can be played with two people: no
Customer service: very good
Games played
Escape the Tower (played Fall 2015)
Overall Score: 4/5
Difficulty (based on 12 players): 3.5/5
Pros: esthetically didn't need any work as it is actually in one of Casa Lina's towers, moderate-heavy use of tech, multi-room, puzzle fit the theme, integrates story line well, minimal use of lock boxes and key pads, good transitions, live actors, great pre-game experience
Cons: a lot of searching through junk at one point, given one black light between 12 people and then more searching, won't get to experience all the puzzles, will have strangers grouped up with you if you don't have 12 players, higher cost
Escaped? No, get hints even if you don't ask for them
Recommended? Yes, for those who like having live actors and don't mind a lot of searching, would recommend finding 12 people you know
King of the Bootleggers (played Spring 2016)
Overall Score: 1.5/5
Difficulty (based on 15 players): 3-??/5
Pros: live actors, esthetically fit the time period, minimal use of lock boxes and key pads, moderate use of tech
Cons: nothing to do with the tunnels besides walking through it to get into a house, your group gets split up into three for most of the game, puzzles in our group in the 'library' were mostly searching and unfortunately not very interesting, when we finished our room we joined another room where one of the three groups were working, was very chaotic at that point, don't get to experience 60% of the set up due to the splitting of group into three different groups, will have strangers added to your group if you don't have 15 players, high cost
Escaped? No, get hints even if you don't ask for them
Recommended? No