Okay, let me preface this review by saying you will enjoy this place depending on who you are and what you like and how much money you have. I, personally, HATED the entire experience. First, you have to wait a half an hour to get a "Top Golf" card if you do not have one already (it costs $$$ too). Second, you have to wait more than an hour to get into a booth (or whatever they're called). Then, once you are finally in the booth, you have to pay basically minute by minute to stay, all the while there is a constant barrage of servers and managers pressuring you to buy more crappy drinks and bar-food. All the while you are just hitting balls into a big open space? Why not just go to a driving range...? Idk, I don't get it.
You've got to be ready to drop about $200 if you're going to go here. And believe me when I tell you they WILL kick your butt out the minute you stop paying for time. We stopped playing, and had barely gathered our things before a manager came and asked us to leave for the next group.
I understand why this place is popular. But if I'm going to spend an exorbitant amount of money on food and drinks, I'd rather go somewhere that serves excellent food and cocktails (that is not this place) without the constant pressure of wait and management staff.
Never again.