After clubbing at Tao at the Venetian, friends and I were still pretty drunk, so we wanted to hit up one of the afterhours spots... We had heard about Drai's, but one of my girlfriends wanted to go to a strip club, so the taxi driver took us here.
Okay, I would have given this place 4 stars if they didn't charge so damn much. I mean, come on, $30 cover charge for girls?! That's ridiculous I think... the night clubs don't even charge girls that much. and on top of that, yeah, strippers are hott to look at, but i paid $30 to watch another girl dance. oh well... anywho, we still wanted to go, so we went on in.. And also, just like everyone else mentioned, $9.00 for Voss water. And it isn't even the glass bottle, they give you the plastic ones... I would usually never pay this much for water, but shit, after dancing for 5 hours, I was dehydrated.
Overall, this place is fun. At first when we were in here, it was just the usual strip club with everyone sitting around watching the strippers dance. However, at 4AM, Seamless turns into a club.. They have a DJ set up on the main stage, and all the strippers start dancing, and a bunch of gogo dancers get up on stage and dance too. The whole place turns into a club with everyone dancing. Also, the night that we were here, the music was really good. The hip hop was okay, but the DJ spun house for awhile, which was awesome, since that's the type of music I love.
Last but not least, the strippers here weren't actually that cute.. I would think a strip club in Vegas would have some sort of screening, but I guess not. The gogo girls here were much cuter than the actual strippers.
So, 3 stars for Seamless. Definitely a fun place, but the prices are ridiculous. I usually don't mind Vegas prices, but this place charges a bit too much.