So i stopped by this gem of a place today to pick up a few items to assimilate into the wardrobe, you know, making it happen. And was quickly reminded why i ABSOLUTELY LOVE this place, and since i am new to this yelp forum thought i should give them the love that they deserve. Upon my first visit there I walked into this warehouse that was full of items, mainly jeans. And by jeans, i mean jeans, forget about the racks in most stores that stay horizontal, theirs defying gravity and logic on the inside border of the establishment go vertical, and i mean to the ceiling. And they must have some car like alarm for these racks for i was approached with the quickness by a smiling individual WANTING to help me. So i told him what i was looking for and like a caped crusader into the night he disappeared into the denim, only he was not wearing a cape, good thing cause who the hell wears a cape. Frankly that would have been troubling to see. Anyways, he returned with like 9 pairs of pants, some of which i was trying to explain was 'not good for my look'. And with that rebuke followed by more 'not good for my look' utterances, a reaction ensued. His hands out, palms facing the floor, fingers extended while the arms bring them closer to the ground while simultaneously letting out a shhhhh sound. Since i am a grown man, shhhing me would create what back at home we refer to as a misunderstanding, however, i decided to let it go. He then instructed me to go to the dressing room where he flung the pants over the bar of the dressing room. So i am trying, and trying on pants, and as i ask for other things it was like having a genie in a bottle granting wishes with a 30 sec delay, cause thats all the time it took for another 5 pairs of pants to be 'granted' if you will. Now it was a warm day, so after awhile i stared to sweat and what not, and BAMMM!!!!! A hand extended itself over the bar with bottled water, yes i said it, bottled water. They kept me hydrated and quenched my thirst during this process. It was like i was in jean heaven and had passed those pearly denim gates. So i found which ones were right for me, and was nothing but PLEASED and BEFUDDLED about this process. The staff is OUTSTANDING and know what they are doing, the guy that runs the place literally looks like the villain from the movie 'the princess bride' except he does repeatedly spit out the word, 'inconceivable', rather just tells absolutely horrible jokes. But a small price to pay, for the price you will pay for designer, regular, genie wished and delivered jeans. If you cannot find jeans hear that you like considering they literally have a 1,000 pairs, then that means, that you are impossible to please and can never be satisfied which any rational person can only deduce from that is that you are an unlikable person, and the only reason your friends hang out with you is that they feel sorry for you, or have not yet concocted a plan to get rid of you. So, go here and buy some jeans, and prove to yourself that you are, in fact, a likeable person, and you will feel better about yourself next time you look in the mirror, cause you can honestly say, "i'm a likeable person". Ten stars i give it, but thats not possible here. The only bad thing is, DO NOT GET YOUR PANTS HIMMED THERE if the pants require it, its like 1 lady with a stack a pants in denim hell and it does not turn out well. Take them to your person or persons that can properly preform this endeavour for you. So, Jeans Jeans Jeans, i have to say, "make it happen"!!!!!!!!!!!.