Took my dog here for the first time to use a free first exam voucher and get a vaccine. I feel like all they are trying to do here is sell you on a wellness plan, and get you to get extra stuff you may not need. The dr explained what the program was real quick and then I told the tech I wasn't really interested and she proceeded to go over all of the plans and still give me the pamphlet. Basically the visit felt like them trying to sell me anything they could, I didn't really feel focus on my dog. The exam really just included a temp and listening to her heartbeat, looking at her teeth and trying to sell me on the package that included teeth cleaning, and she looked in her ears. Didn't really feel around or anything, it was super basic. They took her in the back for her vaccine and to draw blood for a heart worm test, and that sort of bothered me that they couldn't just do it in the room in front of me to be less stressful on my dog. Overall, I'll stick to my regular vet dr. hadley at the VCA in savoy, she is amazing and really loves animals and I never worry about my dog when I am there. All the selling here just gave me an uneasy vibe.