Bummer, I really liked the ladies massage but it was awful how they all stood and stare at you while you pay out: the thirst was real for tips. Don't get me wrong, it's not that I wasn't going to tip, but that alone disgusted me. The funny part was upon arrival: My friends and I saw two "Therapist" out side confronting some other asian ladies for their tips. When the ladies gave them five each - they responded, "Thats it?!" We should've taken that as a red flag before walking in.
Be prepared for them to expect tip guys! No less then 20! You've been warned.
Update: The business owner/rep decides to respond by advising me how tipping works. I work in the tipping industry (hate using that card because that shouldn't have to be the case) but as much as I want to tell people how to tip me because folks can be difficult? I dont hawk at my client(s) when service is complete and I didn't get the "tip" I wanted. Thank you but no thank you If you'd like a proper feedback? Check your employees, maybe quote it upon arrival? Point is... they should not be lingering for tips like that.