UPDATE: I am your 2015 OTF Ultimate Weight Loss Challenge winner, shedding 27lbs in 6 weeks. Before coming here, I felt powerless against my relentless weight gain. I cant promise you the same results, but I can guarantee it worked for me!
I am so pleased with the results I've attained since coming here. And, yes, it's kinda pricey, $159/mo, but my employer provides me a discount. Ask if yours qualifies you for one.
OTF offers several classes a day, every day (I'd assume holidays excluded). You can book classes at the front desk, or by using their very handy mobile app. Never been to their website, but you might be able to book there too.
As a member, you'll receive a hand towel, a shirt and a chest strap. When you show up for class, you snap a heart monitor into your chest strap. Dont be a nasty... wash that strap routinely. Then when the session starts, you'll see a little box displayed on the overhead flat panels with your name on it. You can see your heart rate, the zone you're in, and the cumulative calories burned (both for you and the whole class).
Now, just because you're a member doesn't mean you'll automatically get into any class you decide to stroll in for. There is a limited amount of stations, so class size gets capped. That's why you must book early and often.
And while OTF provides a gut-wrenching workout, it's only as hard as you allow it to be. So as Kenop says: Get your mind right, and the rest will follow! But self flagellation here wont do you a darned bit of good if you don't control what you ingest. You cant out-train a bad diet, so you gotta get your mind right before dropping that coin.
I love the 5:15am classes. Kyle, Kenpo and Jesse will be there to motivate and direct. And you always walk away with a little something special and a smile when Jesse gets down with his bad self! I love these guys