I love nice hotels. Who doesn't??
Now.. who loves nice hotels you get to stay at for free? Yeah, thats right, I got to stay here for work. TWICE.
I've attended a conference held at the Four Seasons, and I was able to stay here as well on the company dime. There are times when I feel a hotel room is just a place to stay, but here, you can really experience first class service and comfort. The rooms are generous in size, and offer wonderful L'occitane toiletries. Maid service comes twice a day, and the entire hotel has a slightly hush-hush aura of elegance and class.
The hotel takes up the top floors of the Mandalay Bay hotel. The entrance to the hotel is separate from the one to Mandalay Bay, so you aren't stuck going through a huge mass of people trying to check in. The training of the staff is apparent, because you are greeted when you walk in, and then the person checking you in will call you by name while you are being offered water by another staff. Definitely makes you feel like the rockstar/celebrity that you aren't, but wish you could be.
Although Las Vegas has numerous four or five star hotels, a lot of them, due to its size, can be loud, hectic, and overwhelming. Since the Four Seasons is much smaller in size, you can definitely avoid the headache and crowds associated with the larger resorts, allowing you to have a tranquil and relaxing time in Vegas.