Not feeling it anymore Panera. I used to look forward to my visits. Now, they happen simply out of necessity.
Bagels, salads, and coffee, still rank, but the menu overall is getting old in my opinion. The quality of the food, and it's appearance, seems to be lacking pizzazz.
Overall, I always found my visits to Panera to be a great place for a quick bite. Dining area is comfortable , staff is prompt with food preparations, and prices are reasonable. I like the Panera reward offers, but seldom do I find myself craving anything listed on the menu board.
Today's experience was less than ideal when I found a hair in my food, but it was addressed properly by management, and would not be the reason I find myself drifting away.
Perhaps with some tweaking, I will discover a more appealing seasonal menu in the months to come. The old standby options are not doing it for me.