Call it fate, call it divine guidance, call it dumb luck...but I ended up at Rock Star Boot Camp and became entrenched in the battle FOR my life! Quickly approaching 37, drowning in my own fat and ugly voices, I had an entire CAMP reach out to me and help me reach into the depths of my being to find my own fight, my own belief in myself, my own inner fire. We push each other to do the very best possible EVERY single day. There is ownership. There is accountability. There is pride. There is accomplishment. There is celebration. There are blood, sweat and tears. What you will NOT find is defeat, excuses, chemical product pushing, half-assed trainers, half-assed campers, judgmental eyes...whispers...or announcements. EVERYONE is welcome as long as you come to work. ALL movements are modifiable. There is a way for each and every person to push through and achieve the results he/she is looking for and be proud in every step that was taken in order to reach that goal! It is not easy, but the BEST things in life aren't free...this will cost you all of the doubts and ugly things you have ever had to say about yourself. This will cost you personal reflection. This will cost you dedication. This will cost you crashing through emotional, mental and physical boundries. BUT, your reward will be discovering and cultivating the amazing you that had previously been kept in the darkness! Commit for 30 days and you will find amazing things within yourself though HARD work and perseverance!