Water is shut off at first monthly, then biweekly, now weekly, and off for hours! No notice is given!! Pools look terrible, green with algae, never are the two pools open at the same time. Over this past summer the pools were closed on a weekly basis. One may be open for a few days and then locked up again for another few days to a week! The washer/dryers on each floor has at least one of them broken or one of each broken. Management in the office never seem to know what's going on but one of the ladies, she is a sweetheart! Maintenance NEVER come by when they say they are, your lucky if it's the same week you called. Elevators are always broken or need repairs, guests are always stuck in them for an hour to hours long!!! Fire department has been called a few times to open/help the ones stuck in them! Our AC was shut off for 1 1/2 days, during 110° days! If yours
want to live here it's at your own
risk, the hassle is not worth the headache!!!!