Apparently Packer fans aren't Yelpers.. well the awesome ones are (Dave B. and I). I'd like to start off by saying that I was expecting to give Mabel Murphys a 5 star review as the best place to watch a Green Bay game in the Valley, possibly all of the southwest after going there for Packers/Vikings game yesterday.
However, I never saw the game there, and therefore, can't say that.
For anyone that's a Packers fan that hails from Wisconsin, you should have a picture in your mind of the classic Wisconsin sports bar - Packers memorabilia EVERYWHERE, Leinenkugels aplenty, cheese curds on the menu, that surprisingly homey feel, lots of screaming and fanaticism.
Typically this is Mabel Murphys. My first visit there was for the Bears/Packers Monday night game last year and it was complete mayhem, and I wouldn't have had it any other way. The typical "fight songs" played at Lambeau are played during commercial breaks and screamed by the fans. You can't find anyone in there not sporting their green and gold and it's hard to find a seat or standing spot unless you are there an hour or more ahead of time. It screams home for all of us that left the frozen tundra.
However, I think one hazardous flaw was made this year. They closed for renovation and nothing on their website hinted at anything of the sort. Therefore, people that don't head to Old Town all the time and come those few times a year for the games where being with your own kind is of importance had no idea unless they would've tried to call, and who calls to make sure a Packers bar is open the night they play the Vikings with Favre adorned in purple? Nevertheless, I arrived an hour before the game to find out they weren't open an that nearly a dozen people also did not get the memo. The construction worker there had no suggestions of where to go and there was no note on the door from management. They said they had been having people stop by all day asking, and had no suggestions.
I missed pre game due to having to drive to another bar. Mabel Murphys really disappointed me last night. I really hope they can make up for it. Never get on the bad side of a Packer fan and never deny them of their game. I've never been more sad about a Yelp review than now.